Answers to your frequently asked questions.
Endodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry recognized by the American Dental Association.
An endodontist focuses on treating the interior (pulp), root canal and surrounding tissues of the tooth.
When you look at your teeth in the mirror, you see the crown, or top. The part of the tooth below the gums is called the root. You also can see the hard, enamel exterior of your teeth. Underneath that white coating is a second layer, called the dentine. Below that is a third layer of soft tissue, blood vessels and nerves called the pulp. When bacteria enter the pulp due to decay, periodontal disease, tooth fracture or other problems, the pulp can be damaged or infected. When that happens, we must remove the diseased pulp to save the tooth and surrounding tissue. After treatment, you’ll usually be back to normal in a few days.
No. X-rays are important to making sure you receive the best endodontic treatment possible. To ensure this, and for your protection, Premier uses an advanced nonfilm computerized system that produces radiation levels 90 percent lower than even low-dose dental x-ray machinery. These digital images can be optimized, archived, printed and sent to your other dental and medical care providers via e-mail or diskette to help provide you with a comprehensive treatment and recovery plan.
At Premier, we adhere to the most rigorous standards of infection control advocated by OSHA, the Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association. We use autoclave sterilization and barrier techniques to eliminate any risk of infection.
When your root canal or other treatment is completed, we will send a record of your procedure to your restorative dentist. You should contact that office for a follow-up appointment and restoration within a few weeks of your completion at our office. Your restorative dentist will decide the best way to protect your tooth. It is very rare for endodontic patients to experience complications after a routine procedure. However, if you are concerned about pain or other symptoms please contact us. We are available at all times to respond.
Premier Endodontics of Long Island is proud to be on the cutting edge of endodontic technology. In addition to our digital radiography, we use special operating microscopes. Their powerful magnification and fiber optic illumination are helpful in letting us see tiny details in your tooth. Also, a tiny video camera lets us record our findings for future reference.
Sometimes, damage to your teeth can be so subtle they can only be detected by an exam and x-ray. Usually, though, problems significant enough to require endodontic treatment will have pronounced symptoms. Here are a few signs it’s time to call your dentist for a referral or contact us directly for an appointment:
- Dental pain triggered by cold or chewing
- Drainage or bleeding from the gums
- Swelling in the mouth or tongue
- Rotting teeth
- A bad taste in the mouth, even after brushing your teeth
- Loose teeth
- Facial pain
- Facial swelling
Symptoms that may be associated with an injury include:
- Chipped teeth
- Bleeding from a tooth
- Temperature sensitivity
- Swelling
- Teeth not lining up properly when you close your mouth
- Loss of one or more teeth
- Facial pain
- Pain while chewing
If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact us. We have an endodondist on call 24/7, and fast action is essential to saving your tooth.