About Us
Premier Endodontics is dedicated to your dental health, your comfort, and your smile.
Our office is a relaxing, comfortable environment, and our staff will always treat you with respect and courtesy. We are open six days a week, and keep extended hours because we believe no one should have to live in discomfort and because prompt treatment can impact a procedure’s success. Also for your benefit and care, we have one of our endodontists on call at all times.
We use state-of-the-art technology, including digital radiography, super-high magnification microscopes, and advanced dental implants to help ensure successful treatment. Our dental professionals also communicate with you at every step of the way. We believe that a well-informed patient is a happier, more relaxed patient.

Our team also communicates directly with your family dentist. We coordinate a comprehensive treatment plan to obtain ideal results. Our financial office files insurance claims on your behalf, and we will work with you to arrange a payment plan for any costs not covered by your insurance.